Tufa is gonna go online again at www.tufa.no. I just received the job from John at Tufa. We hope the pages will be up running within a month. More info will come as we go.
The local soccer club in Bergen, Brann, just made a 32 page magazine which was distributed in 100.000 ex. I was so lucky to get this graphic design job at oktan publicis. The magazine is called "PASSION" (lidenskap) which is also part of Brann's profile: "true passion" (ekte lidenskap).
At my job at Oktan Publicis I just made the graphic profile & design for Roar Brekke's new standupshow "Kroppsøving". Photo by: Line Møllerhaug. The show plays at Ricks in september and october. For more info go to: www.roarbrekke.no or www.kulturoperatorene.no
Please join us @ BIKS for a great party the 23rd Need tickets? Send me an email at thebatfly@gmail.com Please go to: www.djlion71.com for more information